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Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

Arrival Procedures

K-5 School hours: 7:45 am -2:30 pm

Early Learning AM hours: 7:45 am -10:15 am 

Early Learning PM hours: 11:45 am -2:15 pm 

Early Learning Full-Day hours:  7:45 am -2:15 pm

Breakfast for K-5: 7:25-7:45

  • Doors will be open at the north end of the building in the bus lane for students to enter early for breakfast

  • Students not eating breakfast should plan to arrive after 7:35 to help with traffic flow

Bus riders: all U5 busses will utilize the front bus lane by the main entrance doors

  • Early Learning students will meet their teacher at a designated space on the sidewalk out front. Students will then walk with their teacher to the south end of the building and enter through the south doors.

  • K-5th grade students will use the main entrance doors and report directly to the gym. 

Daycare vans, car riders and walkers: 

  • Early Learning students (and their older siblings):  Caretakers must utilize the main parking lot and park.  Caretakers must walk their child directly to the classroom teacher. Please be sure you use the crosswalk.

  • K-5th grade students: caretakers will utilize the back bus lane on the north side of the building. The traffic will move clockwise (the driver side of the car will be along the curb once you get around). Students can not exit the vehicle until they are in the drop off zone near the doors. We ask that all students exit the vehicle on the driver’s side along the curb. Caretakers should stay in the vehicle. If your child needs assistance getting out of the vehicle please park in the parking lot and walk your child to the north end of the building.

    • All students will report to the gym and sit until 7:45.



Dismissal Procedures

Bus riders: all U5 busses will utilize the front bus lane by the main entrance doors

  • Early Learning students will be escorted to the bus by their teacher. Students and staff will utilize the south doors to exit the building.

  • K-5 grade students will use the main entrance doors to exit the building.

Car riders and walkers:

  • Early Learning students (and their older siblings): Caretakers must utilize the main parking lot and park. Caretakers must meet their child(ren) on the sidewalk up by the building and walk their child back to their vehicle. Please be sure you use the crosswalk and do not park in the staff parking lot on the far south end of the property.

  • Kindergarten students (and their older siblings): Caretakers must utilize the main parking lot to park. Caretakers must meet their child(ren) outside the doors on the south side of the building. Students will not be released until a caretaker is present. Please use the crosswalk.

  • 1st-5th grade students will utilize the back bus lane on the north side of the building. The traffic will move clockwise (the driver side of the car will be along the curb once you get around). Students can not enter the vehicle until the vehicle is in the pick up  zone near the doors and instructed by the staff member to enter.

    • If you arrive at the pick up zone and your child is not outside yet you will be asked to circle back around to keep the line moving. 

Normal Parks and Rec Before and After School Program

  • Before School hours are 6:45am-7:40am.

  • After School hours are 2:30- 5:00

  • Parent drop off/pick up will be done from their cars using the back bus lane like before.  No drop off or pick up inside the building.  

  • This is not a school sponsored program. Questions should be directed to Normal Parks and Rec.