Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the Sugar Creek address and phone number?
200 North Towanda Ave, Normal, IL 61761
Q: What time does class begin?
K-5 classes start at 7:45 am. Students may enter the building at 7:25 am.
Early learning full-day and AM only classes start at 7:45 am.
Early learning PM classes begin at 11:45 am.
Q: What are the lunch and recess times?
K-5 students will have lunch and recess from 11:10 am - 12:00 pm.
Q: What time does the school day end?
K-5 classes are dismissed at 2:30 pm.
Early learning full-day and PM classes are dismissed at 2:15 pm.
Early learning AM classes are dismissed at 10:15 am.
Q: Why are there Early Dismissal Days?
Teachers are engaged in professional development during early dismissal days. On early release days, school ends at 10:45 am and there is no class for early learning. These days are marked on the school calendar. A grab and go lunch is an option. Your child’s lunch account would be charged.
Q: How do I report my student will be late or absent?
Please call the attendance line at (309)557-4474
Q: Who can answer questions about the bus?
Please call (309)557-4287